Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Fill in (April 8, 2011) we go!

1. In the near darkness the lady of the night ventures out into the darkness.

2. Living life to its fullest, til further notice.

3. But this is my life and I want to continue to move forward with my independance.

4. Fishes in the stream.

5. It's always nice to be kind to others, rather than inconsiderate.

6. Good food and pleasant company go hand in hand.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with my boys, tomorrow my plans include getting my youngest to the airport for his trip to Hawaii, and later on in the day I plan on meeting some friends for the evening and Sunday, I want to go with the flow and see what the day brings, maybe coffee and my favorite cafe off of Whyte Ave.  !

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